Whole Horse Trimming and Certification Program
Mackinaw Dells 2 Home
Class Schedule
Exploring the Equine Hoof / Navigating The Hoof In Front Of You
Beginner Trimming
Intermediate trimming
Advanced Trimming
Hoof Protection Class
Hoof Wear Patterns
Personal Online Consultation
Class Payments
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Feedback Form
Interested in hosting a class or clinic
About me
Hoof Dissection Lab
Decoding Hoof and Body Compensations
Mackinaw Dells2 Certified Trimmers
Hoof Distortion Skills Lab
Donkey Trimming
Pony and Miniature Horse Trimming
Foal Trimming class
Hoof Nerds Unite
Feedback form
I am always wanting to know if there is anything I can do to improve the classes I teach. So please let me know what you did like and anything that I missed that you wish we would have covered. This will help me better serve my students.
Name or initial (optional)
Indicates required field
How did you hear about this class
Internet Search
If Other please specify:
What is your horse experience?
Less than 1 year
1 to 5 years
more than 5 years
Which class are you commenting on, and what year was class taken?
Please give an honest opinion of the class.
What if anything would you change about the class.